Buttermilk is best for this banana cake recipe, but feel free to substitute a combination of milk and plain yogurt, or milk alone in this dessert.From...
This beauty is baked with a splash of Chambord and layered with a sweet raspberry filling, both of which offer bright counterpoints to the thick layer...
These classic sweets aren't fancy; they're just plain good and full of memories. Flaky biscuits are filled with our macerated sweetened strawberries and...
New York Crumb Cake is quite a popular dessert at Foster's Markets in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina. Owner Sara Foster estimates that her shops...
There are certain days during the summer when the last place anyone wants to be is in a hot kitchen. But that's when kids can come to the rescue, making...
This all-purpose buttercream has an ultra-silky, stable texture that spreads beautifully over cakes and cupcakes, and can be piped into perfect peaks and...
Applesauce makes this cake exceptionally moist. It's delicious on its own or served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. If you decide to use store-bought...
Sweetened whipped cream is the perfect accompaniment to this slightly spicy dessert. The topping is made by simply baking cranberries placed in a layer...
Introduced in the 1930s, when cast-iron skillets were more commonly found in kitchens than baking pans, the upside-down, or skillet, cake has survived...
Guaranteed to satisfy any chocolate craving, this is an excellent cake to keep in mind when you have a houseful of guests. The ganache glaze makes it dressy...
There's a reason angel food cake is a favorite dessert-it's tender, light as air, and tastes, well, divine. What's more, it's virtually fat-free and uses...
Great swoops of glossy frosting make this a wonderfully exuberant cake with a dark backdrop for birthday candles. But this cake is just as suitable for...
Cake, cream, and berries combine in a treat that's twice as delectable as the sum of its parts. The buttery cake soaks up the strawberry juices, while...
Remember Mom's heavenly angel food cake? Ours has the same ethereal texture (due to egg whites) but with a bright burst of lemon flavor, thanks to fresh...
For best results, bake these cakes at least a day before serving. Store, wrapped in plastic, for up to three days at room temperature, or freeze for up...
Ask any pastry chef about frostings and they'll tell you that there's nothing like a good basic vanilla buttercream. This American-style vanilla buttercream...
Four types of chocolate are called for in this decadent dessert: cocoa powder for the cake batter, bittersweet chocolate and milk chocolate for the frosting,...
A white cake is an all-American classic recipe. This white cake recipe will become your favorite for celebrations and holidays -- and it tastes just like...
To prevent the baked biscuits from crumbling when you cut them, wait until they are cool, and use a serrated bread knife to slice them in half very gently....
Beneath this towering yet unpretentious appearance lies multiple layers of moist, mildly spiced cake that are flecked with carrots and pecans and enveloped...
Not for the faint of heart, our version of devil's food cake is infused with melted chocolate (in addition to the usual cocoa powder) and sour cream to...
Whole lemons are the base of this rich, citrusy simple lemon cake batter. Precooking the fruit removes the pucker and makes for an intensely flavored cake...
This is a great cake to make if you have extra apples in the house. If you don't have any apples, you can substitute peaches or plums.From the book "Mad...
Chocolate and cherries are a match made in sweets heaven. A touch of kirsch -- brandy made from cherries -- enhances the filling for a more pronounced...
This old-fashioned dessert, which originated at New York City's Delmonico's restaurant to commemorate the purchase of Alaska in 1867, has become popular...
This devilishly delicious, light and airy, all-occasion cake recipe was adapted from "Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook," and the frosting recipe is courtesy...
We added whipped cream and fruit to a classic tres leches cake recipe to make it undeniably delicious. You can use any fruit in season, alone or in combination....
The combination of rich, buttery cake and caramelized pineapples in this classic dessert will transport guests to the good ol' days. It's traditionally...
Skip the store-bought cake mix and impress guests with a vanilla-flavored cake recipe that's easier than it looks. Top off this cake with our Whipped Frosting....
This cheery lemon cake is perfect for festive occasions. Top it off with our Whipped Frosting that's the perfect light and fluffy complement to this moist...
Don't let the name fool you-this classic dessert is in fact a cake layered with custard and topped with chocolate glaze. We replaced the custard with our...
This easy mousse-like treat blends the tartness of Key lime pie with the richness of cheesecake. Its graham-cracker crust sets in the freezer rather than...
Get the most lemon flavor into this pound cake by grating the lemon zest first, then squeezing out the juice. Lemon zest, juice, and glaze give you triple...
"After baking countless cakes over the past 11 years for our pages, I've come back around to appreciating the versatility of a sponge cake," says Jennifer...
Toasted coconut balances the tart sweetness of pineapple and provides a crunchy topping for this buttery cake. Not too delicate, it's a treat just right...